Some of the most reputed denim and textile professionals from Japan , EU and US will speak on variety of Industry specific subjects specially SUSTAINABILITY and TECHNOLOGY to give an sight of how the industry will move in the future. The talks have always been a great draw at our shows and should not be missed.
We welcome Adriano Goldschmeid who is an Italian fashion designer who focuses on denim jeans. He is known as "the Godfather of denim" and is the originator of "premium denim".The founder of Diesel, he also created Replay, Gap 1969, Agolde, Goldsign, and AG Adriano Goldschmied.
Denim veteran in Japan who is responsible for starting a number of denim brands in Japan and owns currently including Dr Denim. He was also responsible for initiating the denim business of Uniqlo in Japan. ドクターデニム本澤氏は、数多くのデニムブランドに関わって来られたクリエーターです。彼は今回の展示会で作品を展示して下さいます。
LUCIA ROSIN is a Fashion and Textile Designer with Over 30 Years of Experience Dedicated to sustainability throughout a career spanning over three decades. Actively promotes a pioneering vision in sustainable design through projects, conferences, and collaborations with companies, schools, and universities. In 2004, she founded Meidea, a creative company which provides customized consultancy services for the fashion world by guiding fashion brands, mills and textile industries in the development of sustainable practices.
Moto Suzuki san is an innovator who has worked with various universities in Japan to bring out some high technology products for the apparel industry . He believes that the future of denim and apparel will be in conjunction with technical applications to enhance the functionalities for the consumers. Moto Suzuki氏はイノベーターとして多くの日本の大学と提携し、アパレル業界にハイテク商品を排出して来ました。 彼の信念は未来のデニムとアパレルは技術アプリケーションと結び付け消費者が望む機能性を高めることです。
In fabric export business since 1977 and still does fabric sourcing for leading brands in the world.
He is an Italian born American design, branding and marketing expert who spent most of his working life in the world of denim. He has worked with Levi Strauss in San Francisco as design director, 7 for all mankind and Hudson Jeans in Los Angeles as Creative Director, co-founded Tuff Gong Clothing with Bob Marley’s family. / イタリア生まれのアメリカ人。その仕事人生のほとんどをデニム業界で過ごしてきたデザイン/ブランディング/マーケティングのエキスパートです。デザイナーディレクターとしてサンフランシスコのリーバイ・ストラウスでの就業経験があり、ロサンゼルスのセブンフォーオールマンカインドやハドソンジーンズではクリエイティブディレクターとして活躍、ボブ・マーリーの家族とともにタフ・ゴング・クロ―ジングを立ち上げました。
Co-founder & CEO of AMA Herbal Mr Yawer Ali Shah has come a long way after investing his life’s 25+ precious years in bringing natural dyes to the driving seat in the textile industry. His innovative approach to green climate solutions is reflected in his products and methodologies.
In addition to being involved in the planning and development of various products domestically and overseas,h e plays a wide range of roles, including direction regarding fabric development and export. Founding designer of KATO who named his own name as a brand.